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Sunday, July 10

3:00pm EDT

Longfellow Summer Poetry Festival: Martha Collins and Philip Nikolayev
Join us for the 2022 Longfellow Summer Poetry Festival! All events are free and open to the public - just bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair! The series is co-sponsored by the Friends of Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters and the New England Poetry Club. Visit https://www.nps.gov/long/planyourvisit/summer-festival.htm for details.

Martha Collins has published ten volumes of poetry, most recently Because What Else Could I Do (Pittsburgh, 2019), which won the Poetry Society of America’s William Carlos Williams Award. She has also published four volumes of co-translated Vietnamese poetry, most recently Black Stars: Poems by Ngo Tu Lap (Milkweed, 2013, with the author), and edited a number of anthologies. Her newest book of poems, Casualty Reports, is forthcoming in fall 2022.

Philip Nikolayev is a Russo-American bilingual poet living in Boston. He is a polyglot and translates poetry from several languages. Nikolayev’s verse collections include Monkey Time (Verse/Wave Books, winner of the 2001 Verse Prize) and Letters from Aldenderry (Salt). He co-edits Fulcrum, a serial anthology of poetry and critical writing. His bilingual edition, The Star of Dazzling Ecstasy: 79 Poems by Alexander Pushkin, Translated by Philip Nikolayev has been published by Tiptop Street.

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