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Wednesday, February 22

7:00pm EST

Curt Curt @ the Fourth Saturday Open Mic
Wednesday February 22, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
The Fourth Saturday Open Mic meets at Barnes & Noble on Lincoln Street in Worcester. Open mic at 7 pm, featured poets to follow. This month Curt Curtin will present work from his first full-length book of poetry, titled "For Art's Sake." Due to his low vision, Curt will introduce his poems which will be read by his wife, Dee.

After the featured poets read the gathered poetry lovers adjourn to the in-store coffee shop and chat about whatever comes up until management pushes us out the door at closing -- at about 10 pm. Please join us.

Wednesday February 22, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Barnes & Noble Bookstore (Worcester)

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