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Sunday, May 1

1:00pm EDT

Book Launch Party for Kate Hanson Foster's New Book of Poems, Crow Funeral
Sunday May 1, 2022 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Join us for an afternoon of poetry and music as we celebrate the launch of Kate Hanson Foster's recently released book of poems, Crow Funeral, as well as new work by Matt W. Miller, Todd Hearon, and Michael Kleber-Diggs.

Kate Hanson Foster is the author of Mid Drift, a finalist for the Massachusetts Center for the Book Award. Her writing has appeared in Birmingham Poetry Review, Comstock Review, Harpur Palate, Poet Lore, Salamander, Tupelo Quarterly, and elsewhere. A recipient of the NEA Parent Fellowship through the Vermont Studio Center, she lives and writes in Groton, Massachusetts.

Matt W. Miller was born and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts. He is the author of Tender the River (Texas Review Press), The Wounded for the Water (Salmon Poetry) , Club Icarus (University of North Texas Press), selected by Major Jackson as the 2012 Vassar Miller Poetry Prize winner, and Cameo Diner: Poems (Loom). He has published work previously in Slate, Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Southwest Review, Southeast Review, Florida Review, Third Coast, The Rumpus, Poetry Daily, and other journals. He teaches English and coaches football at Phillips Exeter Academy where he also co-directs the Writers’ Workshop at Exeter.

Award-winning poet, playwright and songwriter, Todd Hearon is the author of three collections of poems—Strange Land (Southern Illinois University Press, 2010), No Other Gods (Salmon Poetry, 2015) and Crows in Eden (Salmon, 2022)—a novella, DO GEESE SEE GOD (Neutral Zones Press, 2021), and the studio album, Border Radio, which was listed as “Best Music of the Seacoast” in 2021. His poems, essays and plays have appeared widely in this country and abroad. He is the recipient of a PEN/New England “Discovery” Award, the Friends of Literature Prize (Poetry magazine and the Poetry Foundation), the Rumi Prize in Poetry (Arts & Letters), and the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize (Sarah Lawrence College). Born in Texas and raised in North Carolina, he lives in Exeter, New Hampshire, and teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy.

Michael Kleber-Diggs (KLEE-burr digs) (he / him / his) is a poet, essayist, literary critic, and arts educator. His debut poetry collection, Worldly Things (Milkweed Editions 2021), won the Max Ritvo Poetry Prize, the 2022 Hefner Heitz Kansas Book Award in Poetry, and is a finalist for the 2022 Minnesota Book Award. His poems and essays appear in numerous journals and anthologies. Michael is married to Karen Kleber-Diggs, a tropical horticulturist and orchid specialist. Karen and Michael have a daughter who is pursuing a BFA in Dance Performance at SUNY Purchase.
Sunday May 1, 2022 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
56 Island Street, Lawrence, MA
Tuesday, January 3

7:00pm EST

Poetry in the Parlor, curated by the New England Poetry Club
Tuesday January 3, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Friday, January 3, 7 pm
Poetry in the Parlor, curated by the New England Poetry Club
Kenneth Lee, Gloria Mindock, and Tontongi
The Old Manse
Concord, MA
Tuesday January 3, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
The Old Manse
Thursday, January 12

3:00pm EST

Concord Poetry at the Library Series
Thursday January 12, 2023 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Thursday January 12, 2023 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Concord Free Public Library
Tuesday, January 24

7:30pm EST

Freeverse! Team Slam at Mill City Speaks ft. Febo
Tuesday January 24, 2023 7:30pm - 10:00pm EST
@Mill City Speaks
Wicked Loud Team Qualifier Slam
$100 in prizes

Poets 13 to 19 are eligible to compete
Please contact Untitled Open Mic on Facebook

Hosted by and with a spotlight feature from

Friday, January 24
7:30 to 10 pm

@ Coffee & Cotton in Mill No. 5
250 Jackson Street
Lowell, MA

4th Friday of Every Month
Poetry Slam
Open Mic
Tuesday January 24, 2023 7:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Coffee and Cotton 250 Jackson St, 4th Floor, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Tuesday, February 7



Poetry at the Y
Tuesday February 7, 2023 TBA
Tuesday February 7, 2023 TBA
West Suburban YMCA
Wednesday, February 8


Thursday, February 9


Saturday, February 11


7:00pm EST

Newton Free Library Poetry Series
Saturday February 11, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Joyce Wilson--- Joyce Wilson, editor of The Poetry Porch, a literary magazine on the Internet since 1997, has taught English at Boston University and Suffolk University. A chapbook of twenty poems inspired by the Fore River Bridge, The Need for a Bridge, was published with Finishing Line Press in March 2019. A full-length manuscript Take and Receive appeared with Kelsay Books in May 2019.

James Najamar --- Lives in Newton. He teaches Victorian literature at Boston College, and edits the scholarly journal Religion and the Arts. His first book of poetry, The Goat Songs. won the Vassar Miller Prize and is being published by the University of North Texas Press this April. A. E. Stallings was the judge.

Ravi Yelamanchili-- His writing has previously been published in the Ibbetson Street, Muddy River Poetry Review, The Somerville Times, Sahitya Akademi's Indian Literature, Muse India, and several other journals.

Curated by Doug Holder
Saturday February 11, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Newton Free Library
Wednesday, March 15

7:00pm EDT

LGBTQ+ Lowell Open Mic
Wednesday March 15, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
 Come on down to the cafe for a night celebrating local LGBTQ+ talent. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional we want to hear your songs, stories, and poems, see your dance routines, and laugh til our sides hurt at your stand up bits. Emcee Resi Ibañez is a Filipinx genderqueer poet, writer, and community storyteller, who believes in storytelling as a way of building community. They have been published in bklyn boihood’s Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, LOAM magazine, and will soon be published in Blue Oak Press’s upcoming anthology They Rise Like a Wave: an Anthology of Asian American Woman Poets, as well as Loom Press’s Atlantic Currents: Connecting Cork and Lowell. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1770488649764214/ .
Wednesday March 15, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Coffee and Cotton 250 Jackson St, 4th Floor, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Wednesday, April 12

7:00pm EDT

LGBTQ+ Lowell Open Mic
Wednesday April 12, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Come on down to the cafe for a night celebrating local LGBTQ+ talent. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional we want to hear your songs, stories, and poems, see your dance routines, and laugh til our sides hurt at your stand up bits. Emcee Resi Ibañez is a Filipinx genderqueer poet, writer, and community storyteller, who believes in storytelling as a way of building community. They have been published in bklyn boihood’s Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, LOAM magazine, and will soon be published in Blue Oak Press’s upcoming anthology They Rise Like a Wave: an Anthology of Asian American Woman Poets, as well as Loom Press’s Atlantic Currents: Connecting Cork and Lowell. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1770488649764214/ .
Wednesday April 12, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Coffee and Cotton 250 Jackson St, 4th Floor, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Sunday, April 16

7:00pm EDT

Lynne Viti, Reading
Sunday April 16, 2023 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Author of two poetry chapbooks and a forthcoming full-length poetry collection and a short fiction collection, Lynne Viti will read from her newest works, both poetry and flash fiction. Q & A and book signing to follow.
BIO:Lynne Viti, lecturer emerita in the Writing Program, Wellesley College, is the author of two poetry chapbooks, Baltimore Girls (2017), and The Glamorganshire Bible (2018), and three micro-chapbooks: Punting, (2017), Dreaming Must be Done in the Daytime (2018), and In Louisburgh, County Mayo, Thinking of Dublin (2019), from Origami Poems Project. She received Honorable Mentions in the Glimmer Train Short Fiction Contest, the WOMR/Joe Gouveia Outermost Poetry Contest, the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest, and Grey Borders Wanted Works. Her first full-length poetry collection, Dancing at Lake Montebello, will be published in November 2020 by Apprentice House Press. Her debut hort story collection, Going Too Fast, will be published in March 2020 by Finishing Line Press. She blogs at stillinschool.wordpress.com.
Monday, April 17

7:00pm EDT

National Poetry Month with Martha Collins and Jason Tandon
Monday April 17, 2023 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Martha Collins is the author of Night Unto Night (Milkweed, 2018), Admit One: An American Scrapbook (Pittsburgh, 2016), Day Unto Day (Milkweed, 2014), White Papers (Pitt Poetry Series, 2012), and Blue Front (Graywolf, 2006), a book-length poem based on a lynching her father witnessed when he was five years old. Collins has also published four earlier collections of poems, three books of co-translations from the Vietnamese, and two chapbooks.

Jason Tandon is the author of four books of poetry including THE ACTUAL WORLD (Black Lawrence Press, 2019), QUALITY OF LIFE (Black Lawrence Press, 2013), GIVE OVER THE HECKLER AND EVERYONE GETS HURT (Black Lawrence Press, 2009), winner of the St. Lawrence Book Award, and WEE HOUR MARTYRDOM (sunnyoutside, 2008). His poems have appeared in many journals and magazines, including Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Beloit Poetry Journal, AGNI Online, Barrow Street, and Esquire. Since 2008, he has taught in the Arts & Sciences Writing Program at Boston University.
Monday April 17, 2023 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Wellesley Books
Monday, April 24

7:00pm EDT

Lynne Viti Heather Corbally Bryant/Tavi Gonzalez/Pamela Taylor celebrate the Bard's Birthday with Poetry
Monday April 24, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Four poets read from their new works, in celebration of William Shakespeare's 456th birthday.

Lynne Viti, is the author of Baltimore Girls (2017),and The Glamorganshire Bible (2018), and three micro-chapbooks: Punting, (2017), Dreaming Must be Done in the Daytime (2018), and In Louisburgh, County Mayo, Thinking of Dublin (2019. Her debut short story collection is entitled Going Too Fast, (2020) and her full-length poetry collection, Dancing at Lake Montebello, is forthcoming in November 2020.

Heather Corbally Bryant is the author of nine poetry collections. The most recent are
Leaving Santorini (2019, and Practicing Yoga in a Former Shoe Factory (2020)

Octavio (Tavi) Gonzalez is the author of The Book of Ours (2009), from University of Notre Dame, Momotombo Press and poems in the anthology Retrato íntimo de poetas dominicanos: Antología poética de la diáspora

Pamela Taylor, a Cave Canem Fellow (2012-2014). 's chapbook is entitled My Mother’s Child,(Hyacinth Girl Press, June 2015). Her blog, www.poetsdoublelife.com, is geared toward poets with non-literary careers.
Monday April 24, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Wellesley Books
Wednesday, May 10

7:00pm EDT

LGBTQ+ Lowell Open Mic
Wednesday May 10, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Come on down to the cafe for a night celebrating local LGBTQ+ talent. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional we want to hear your songs, stories, and poems, see your dance routines, and laugh til our sides hurt at your stand up bits. Emcee Resi Ibañez is a Filipinx genderqueer poet, writer, and community storyteller, who believes in storytelling as a way of building community. They have been published in bklyn boihood’s Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, LOAM magazine, and will soon be published in Blue Oak Press’s upcoming anthology They Rise Like a Wave: an Anthology of Asian American Woman Poets, as well as Loom Press’s Atlantic Currents: Connecting Cork and Lowell. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1770488649764214/ .

Wednesday, June 14

7:00pm EDT

LGBTQ+ Lowell Open Mic
Wednesday June 14, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Come on down to the cafe for a night celebrating local LGBTQ+ talent. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional we want to hear your songs, stories, and poems, see your dance routines, and laugh til our sides hurt at your stand up bits. Emcee Resi Ibañez is a Filipinx genderqueer poet, writer, and community storyteller, who believes in storytelling as a way of building community. They have been published in bklyn boihood’s Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, LOAM magazine, and will soon be published in Blue Oak Press’s upcoming anthology They Rise Like a Wave: an Anthology of Asian American Woman Poets, as well as Loom Press’s Atlantic Currents: Connecting Cork and Lowell. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1770488649764214/ .

Wednesday June 14, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Coffee and Cotton 250 Jackson St, 4th Floor, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Wednesday, July 12

7:00pm EDT

LGBTQ+ Lowell Open Mic
Wednesday July 12, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Come on down to the cafe for a night celebrating local LGBTQ+ talent. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional we want to hear your songs, stories, and poems, see your dance routines, and laugh til our sides hurt at your stand up bits. Emcee Resi Ibañez is a Filipinx genderqueer poet, writer, and community storyteller, who believes in storytelling as a way of building community. They have been published in bklyn boihood’s Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, LOAM magazine, and will soon be published in Blue Oak Press’s upcoming anthology They Rise Like a Wave: an Anthology of Asian American Woman Poets, as well as Loom Press’s Atlantic Currents: Connecting Cork and Lowell. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1770488649764214/ .

Wednesday July 12, 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Coffee and Cotton 250 Jackson St, 4th Floor, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Tuesday, September 12

7:00pm EDT

Workshop for Publishing Poets: PoemWorks
Tuesday September 12, 2023 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Allen West, Brittany Perham, and Open Mic
Tuesday September 12, 2023 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Newtonville Books
Monday, September 18

2:00pm EDT

Plein Air Poetry Walk
Monday September 18, 2023 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
The public is invited to join the poets on Sunday, September 17, 2017, as we walk together to the sites of inspiration and share our poems. This year’s theme is memoir. Each poem was started en plein air at old frog pond farm, and the initiating impulse was from objects, plants or animals, or settings, located in the farm’s landscape.

A chapbook of the original poetry will be available at the event, and there will be a reception following.
Monday September 18, 2023 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Old Frog Pond Farm & Studio
Wednesday, September 20

7:00pm EDT

Newton Free Library Poetry Series
Wednesday September 20, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Meets At The Newton Free Library In Newton, Mass. 330 Homer Street. Director: Doug Holder 617-628-2313 Dougholder@Post.Harvard.Edu (Meets Second Tuesday Of Designated Months.7PM Open Mic.)

Ben Berman --Ben Berman’s First Book, Strange Borderlands (Able Muse Press, 2012), Won The Peace Corps Award For Best Book Of Poetry And Was A Finalist For The Massachusetts Book Awards. His Second Book Is Figuring In The Figure, Forthcoming From Able Muse Press In 2017. He Has Received Awards From The New England Poetry Club And Fellowships From The Massachusetts Cultural Council And Somerville Arts Council. He Is The Poetry Editor At Solstice Literary Magazine And Teaches In The Boston Area, Where He Lives With His Wife And Daughters.

Richard Waring---
Richard Waring’s Poems Have Appeared In The Comstock Review, Chest, Sanctuary, Contact II, Dark Horse, The American Journal Of Nursing,Mothering, Inward Springs, The Journal Of The American Medical Association,And Other Publications. Richard Has A B.A. In English Literature From Drew University And Attended The Jack Kerouac School Of Disembodied Poetics At Naropa Institute, Where He Studied The Poetry Of William Carlos Williams With Allen Ginsberg. From 1982 To 1988. He Is A Senior Layout Artist For The New England Journal Of Medicine. His Latest Collection Is What Love Tells Me.

Clara Silverstein---Clara Silverstein Is The Author Of Four Books, A Blogger About Historic Recipes At Heritagerecipebox.Com, And A Long-Time Writer In The Boston Area. She Has Taught At Grub Street, Inc., Consulted With Individual Writers, And Worked With Young Adults As A Tutor And At The Books Of Hope Literacy Empowerment Program. From 2008 To 2017, She Directed The Chautauqua Writers' Center, Which Sponsors Creative Writing Workshops And Author Programs At The Chautauqua Institution.
Wednesday September 20, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Newton Free Library
Monday, September 25

4:00pm EDT

Art on the Trails Ekphrastic Poetry Art Exhibit Closing Event
Monday September 25, 2023 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
After reading work from over 20 local and regional poets, jurors Maura Snell and Cynthia Franca have selected 25 poems by 13 writers for inclusion in a chapbook which features both the art and poetry and is generously published by The Tishman Review. These poets will read their work at the closing event for Art on the Trails 2017, a Plein Air Poetry Walk, on Sunday, September 24th beginning at 4 pm. Refreshments will be served. The chapbook will include the selected poems and the art installations that inspired them will be available for sale on that day. All proceeds of the sale of these books will help fund future Art on the Trails exhibitions.
Monday September 25, 2023 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Beals Preserve Route 30 Main Street, Southborough, MA
Thursday, October 19

7:00pm EDT

The Alan Feldman Week of Poetry: Poetry Reading by Daniel Tobin
Thursday October 19, 2023 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
The Framingham State University English Department kicks off its annual Alan Feldman Week of Poetry with a reading by award-winning poet, Daniel Tobin. Tobin is the author of eight books of poems, most recently From Nothing (Four Way Books, 2016), and Blood Labors (Four Way Books, 2018), as well as The Stone in the Air, his suite of versions from the German of Paul Celan (Salmon Poetry, 2018). The New York Times named Blood Labors one of the Best Poetry Books of the year for 2018. Among his awards are the Massachusetts Book Award in Poetry, the Julia Ward Howe Prize, the Stephen J. Meringoff Award in Poetry, and creative writing fellowships in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. Tobin will be reading poems from his latest books, along with new work.

Reservations are recommended, but not required, for this free event. Attendees may park for free in the University's Maynard Road and Salem End Road parking lots.
Thursday October 19, 2023 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Framingham State University, Heineman Ecumenical Center
Thursday, December 14


Zvi Sesling
Thursday December 14, 2023 TBA
Thursday December 14, 2023 TBA
Temple Isaiah 55 Lincoln St, Lexington, MA 02421

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